Saturday, April 8, 2017

What's life without a little regret

Sometimes life is hard and all you have to show for it are regrets. The classes missed , the people you missed, the people you could've known or the friends you could've made, the friends you let go or the friends who let you go. Why do people become so self-centered and loose sight of what's important ? Why do they let things like these happen ? In the end just to be eaten up by regrets. Yes, they will eat you up from the inside. Stalking you, making you realize all the things you could've been. The things you should've done. Why ? Oh god, why of all the things we could've achieved if we made that one choice differently. Though, there is one other thing. Those screwed up decisions are the reason we are here. Happy or not, we are here. Still that question lingers, was it all worth it? Why would you do that ? Given a second chance would we choose differently or make the same fucked up decisions that got us here. Ask me that and I'd say "every single fucking time", just cause that's who I am. Me. With all my mistakes, with all my regrets and all my flaws.
And if I didnt have these regrets would I strive to be better ? Would i better myself ? No. Without regrets we are not ourselves.
Yes without regrets we would be happier but would we know what we are missing ?

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